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Past Projects


2028년 제13차 국제정형외과연구학회 학술대회 (ICORS 2028)

13th Triennial Annual Congress of International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies

- Date: 2028. 9. 21-24

- Venue: COEX

- Expected Participants: About 1,000 participants from 40 countries

- Main Tasks: Bidding Proposal Preparation

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제28차 아시아-오세아니아 산부인과학회 학술대회 (AOFOG 2024)

The 28th Asia Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Congress

- Date: 2024. 5. 16-20

- Venue: BEXCO

- Expected Participants: About 3,000 participants

- Main Tasks: Bidding Proposal Preparation, Overseas Promotion, and Event Management


제31차 산부인과초음파학회 국제학술대회 (ISUOG World Congress)

31st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

- Date: Sep. or Oct., 2023

- Venue: COEX

- Expected Participants: About 1,000 participants

​- Main Tasks: Bidding Proposal Preparation, Overseas Promotion, and Local Agent Duties

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제3차 아시아-대양주 소아신경외과학회 학술대회 (AASPN 2019)

3rd Congress of Asian-Australasian Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery

- Date: 2019. 5. 17 ~ 19

- Venue: Songdo Convensia

- Participants: 300 participants

- Main Tasks: Bidding Proposal Preparation, Overseas Promotion, and Event Management

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글로벌 2017 국제학술대회 (GLOBAL 2017)

GLOBAL 2017 International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference

- Date 2017. 9. 24 ~ 29

- Venue: Grand Walkerhill Seoul

- Participants: 700 participants

- Main tasks: Bidding Proposal Preparation, Overseas Promotion, and Event Management

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제15차 세계신경외과학회 학술대회 (WFNS 2013)

15th World Congress of Neurosurgery

- Date: 2013. 9. 8 ~ 23

- Venue: COEX

- Participants: 4,500 participants

- Main tasks: Bidding Proposal Preparation, Overseas Promotion, and Event Management

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