Clients & Projects
Past Projects

2021 수력산업의 날
2021 Korea Hydro Power Industry Day
- Date: 2021. 11. 18 ~ 19
- Venue: Elysian Gangchon
- Organized by: Korea Hydro Power Industry Association
- Attendance: 300

북한강 홍수 피해 예방 민군관 협의체 출범 및 대응 훈련
Civilian-Military-Government Consultative Organization Launching Ceremony and Drill for Flood Damage Prevention in North Han River
- Date: 2021. 5. 17
- Venue: Hwacheon Dam, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Organized by: Civilian-Military-Government Consultative Organization
- Attendance: 50

국내 최초 양수발전소 현대화사업 준공식
Completion Ceremony for First Modernization in Korea for Pumped Storage Power Plant
- Date: 2021. 4. 6
- Venue: Samrangjin Pumped Storage Power Plant, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Organized by: Samrangjin Pumped Storage Power Plant, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Attendance: 100

통합물관리 실현을 위한 한강수계 발전용댐 다목적 활용 선포식
Declaration Ceremony for the Multi-purpose Use of the Han River Water System Power-generating Dams for the Realization of Integrated Water Management
- Date: 2020. 6. 11
- Venue: Hangang Hydro Power Site, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Organized by: Hangang Hydro Power Site, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Attendance: 100

아시아 뉴트리션 포럼 2019 (ANF 2019)
Asia Nutrition Forum 2019
- Date: 2019. 10. 16 ~ 18
- Venue: Seoul Dragon City
- Organized by: BIOMIN Asia
- Attendance: 280

Vision Declaration Ceremony for Water Power Industry in Republic of Korea
- Date: 2019. 6. 27
- Venue: SEAMARQ Hotel
- Organized by: Hydro Power Department, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Attendance: 360

제23차 국제도선사협회 서울총회 (IMPA 2016)
23rd International Maritime Pilots' Association Congress
- Date: 2016. 9. 25 ~ 30
- Venue: Grand Walkerhill Seoul
- Organized by: Korea Maritime Pilots' Association
- Attendance: 320

한-중 수교 20주년기념 국제학술회의
International Conference Commemorating the 20 Years of Korea-China Diplomatic Relations
- Date: 2012. 7. 19 ~ 20
- Venue: Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry & The Plaza Seoul
- Organized by: Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
- Attendance: 870

한국수력원자력 청평수력4호기 준공식
Completion Ceremony of Cheongpyeong Hydroelectric Power Plant Unit 4
- Date: 2012. 2. 8
- Venue: Cheongpyeong Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Organized by: Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Attendance: 200

제4차 UN 실크로드메이어스포럼
4th UN Silk Road Mayors' Forum
- Date: 2009. 5. 27 ~ 29
- Venue: Pyeongtaek
- Organized by: Pyeongtaek City
- Attendance: 500